With its electrifying flight sequences and high-powered cast, The Hunters is a mesmerizing film based on the best-selling novel by veteran fighter pilot James Salter. Set during the height of the Korean War, the story centers on Major Cleve Saville (Robert Mitchum), a master of the newly operational F-86 Sabre fighter jets. But adept as he is at flying, Saville¹s personal life takes a nosedive when he falls in love with his wingman¹s (Lee Philips) beautiful wife (May Britt). To make matters worse, Saville must cope with a loud-mouthed rookie (Robert Wagner) in a daring rescue mission that threatens all their lives in this well-crafted war drama.
Major Cleve Saville
Lt. Ed Pell
Colonel Dutch Imil, CO 54th Fighter Group
Kristina 'Kris' Abbott
1st Lt. Carl Abbott
1st Lt. Corona
Col. Monk Moncavage
Korean farmer
Korean Child
MIG Pilot
Chief Master Sergeant